Saturday 23 July 2011

Back to black

I tried to tell you... oui, in my way
I tried to explain you... si, con mis trazos
una verdad a voces, de instantes sagrados
me quité mis ojos y te los di en tus manos

Me esmeré como esmeralda.
I tried so hard. I promess.
I dared to take the risk
To lose everything I had
every simple material thing
and every simple piece of my heart

I left a land, a country.
but in my words I got lost. And I lost you
and I lost myself in the game.

Life is taking risks
Life is giving. Now I know that is receiving as well.
I got your message. I got your sadness. I got your perspective of life
and I tried to understand it all. And I did.
People die, like Amy with wine, in her house
I didnt die.
I tried to avoid all those things that might made me die.
Now I dont like cocaine.
I have my own speed of recovering
Ive touched the sky and the hell
I´ve cried in Paris like a child.
All my tears went into the river
the same river which took me to here, through the same canal.

Love is a loosing game. I lost you and I lost me.
But Love is also a winning game.
When you have nothing to lose you find yourself. Then again. But stronger.
You born again.
You are able to see all those posibilities
Is like you were blind.

Ahora toco el sonido con los dedos.
Hoy portishead me lo dijo, the Books me lo dijeron
mensajes de vida. Simples momentos.
Todo coincidía. Tenía razón.
No importa el sitio, ni el cómo ni el porqué.
Si estamos juntos (as). Mi casa es tu casa.
Lo importante es afrontar todo aquello.
Lo importantes es matar al ego
matar el miedo.

Vencer al fuego
No eres nada si no arriesgas. Por lo menos un centimetro de tiempo.
No ganas nada si no te inclinas un poco más a sentir el vértigo de ese viento.
Ahora que regreso de Paris a Londres. La ciudad sigue aqui. La gente sigue muriendo.

Donde existió en mi la duda. La muerte segura.
Donde la muerte fué mi camino. El susto del darse cuenta.
La gran decisión. La valiente cobardía.

Un poco mas conciente, agradecida.
Hoy te susurró el adiós que no quería aceptar antes.
Hoy lo entiendo un poco más.
Hoy yace todo mas claro... y mas negro y más blanco.

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