Wednesday 28 September 2011


Are we walking in circles?
Are we walking in eights?
Have you ever felt fragile yet powerful at the same time?
Its been a long journey... with a nice lunch in the park.
We get involved in interactions. We want interactions. We screw up interactions.
Then we realise that we're still all alone. But the underground is full of people.

My house is my head. My head is my house... unfurnished.
I don't eat dead animals. I take pictures of them.
I don't cry out loud. I paint my tears with colors
I invented for myself a fake weight on a fake shoulders.

Sometimes I feel myself in present. When my eyes stare at the grass and see how it moves. Dancing.
Sometimes I forget about the present when I turned into a words prisioner. Loca.

I've always wanted to be happy, but I never knew what being happy meant.
I thought that it was about having a smiley face all the time.
Then again I've got nothing to lose. I lost my fbuk account.
I've been loosing layers and layers of wrong perspectives, and weight.

The realisations are strong and simple.
Once my mother caught me smoking weed. She offered me to take me to a therapy.
I refused.

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