Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Parece que va a llover.

Pieces of jungle, pieces of heart.
Pieces of sunsets, pieces of sky

The paradise is shouting
"Manicomio con vista al mar".
Words without order
There are sharks in the dark.
She never washed the dishes
¿Dónde quedó lo espiritual?
You wanted to build muscles
in order to hide your fears
She wanted to sing mantras 
in order to hide her fears
They wanted to drink wine
in order to hide their fears

Everybody say that "All is one".

La realidad nos alcanza
la luna siempre vendrá
Tropical situations
Caribeños sentimientos
Humanos fumigados
Ladridos atrapados

Caricias que borran los años
Platicas sin finalidad
Experimentos con polvos
Gratitud ante la sinceridad
Es la vida un aliento
Y la locura el sustento
Es el ying yang un invento
O nuestra meta a lograr

Son pinceladas de tiempo
también relámpagos de mar
son incongruencias del humo
lo que nos cuenta la vida en mural
Perspectivo las perspectivas
Scrolling down, scrolling down
Please sign out that shit
You won't find what you're looking for there
Please shut off your computer,
I dare you to breath the pure air
this way, this color
this life, this moment
it'll be a good start to run.

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